Dec 4, 2011 | Our First Mission Trip 2011
Hello to all of our friends, Today was our last Sunday in Malawi and what better place to spend it than with the congregation that Don spent so many Sundays with last year. We woke up to a slight chill in the air as the sky looked as if it would pucker up and rain at...
Dec 4, 2011 | Our First Mission Trip 2011
Greetings from Don We were not here but a few days when one of the guards came and got me. “Someone is here to see you,” he said. I walked with him to the enclosed gates. I was told that they would not open the gates unless told by us. I wondered who this...
Dec 1, 2011 | Our First Mission Trip 2011
I received a phone call early yesterday morning. “Where are you?” asked Blessings.” Doris and are at Crossroads Shopping Mall. We had to meet Lepherson to make some arrangements for the orphanage. ” “Good, I will pick you up.” He...
Dec 1, 2011 | Our First Mission Trip 2011
I was desperate. I hadn’t been to the project all week, and for some reason, I felt that the work could not be done without me being there. I know this was a purely fabricated image that was only in my mind. Still no petrol in the city, so the car was just...
Nov 30, 2011 | Our First Mission Trip 2011
Almost daily we have walked to the little shopping center. It takes us an hour and sometimes we will eat at the little coffee shop, buy some groceries, or as today meet with Lepherson to give him another allotment for the orphanage work. We have noticed recently that...
Oct 15, 2011 | Our First Mission Trip 2011
Good Morning While staying in this compound that is a reminder of colonialism in Malawi from the past, I find myself faced daily with two different views of life. Yesterday we went for a walk to the store and at various driveways the poor were sitting hoping to sell...