Malawi Recap for 10-10-19
Got up again around 6:30 this morning because it takes a while to get everything ready to go to the bush. Started with a home cooked Egg and toast breakfast with coffee and orange juice. Amazing how simple items like this taste so great over here because we do not snack during the day. Our lunch generally consists of water or lemonade, etc. and a packet of tuna (in our case, flavored) for the most part. Some mix up a little chicken salad and others may eat left-overs from the night before but enough to get us through the day. Not too many fast food places over here and if you happen to see one in town, probably best to stay away. However this evening the ladies prepared taco soup – loved by all.
The guys had to go to town today to get a plaque made and to buy some bibles that Steve Newton will be taking to Blantyre (down south) next weekend. He will be spending tomorrow, and Saturday highly involved in preparing for our Bible School Graduation this weekend so we will not see him much at the orphanage the next couple of days.
The ladies played some with the kids today, teaching them some songs and just being there for whatever the kids needed. The kids survived fine; I believe the ladies were ready to go about 4:00PM. We do not want to leave any later than 4:00PM for we want to be back at our place by 6:00 when it gets dark. If you think driving in Malawi is difficult in the daytime, you should try it at night! My wife keeps the trip rather interesting as the others watch her “calm demeanor” during the drive. But on the way back each day, we stop at a village called Ndala, which has cold “cokes, sprites, or orange”. It is amazing how good those taste in the afternoon. They cost about K1600 for six bottles ($2.14).
The guys had a meeting with the President of the organization in Malawi today about a restructuring of the organization. At first it was a little tense as our proposal was presented, but ended up being an outstanding meeting and I believe this new organizational structure will help the progress of the orphanage. We now must present this next week to the workers and answer any questions they may have. I believe we knew somebody had been praying for us for it seems God went ahead of us to clear the way.
We are going get to bed a little earlier tonight, about 10:00pm to get some extra rest. I believe all of us can feel the presence of God with us and as Moses noted, if He does not go with us, we do not want to go. So, this would imply if He goes with us, we will succeed. Praise God!
May God bless you all and continue to pray for us while we are gone.
Your Team in Malawi