The start of every building is a foundational structure that will hold everything that rests upon it. These men know how to build a strong foundation with forms made of bricks that reach down deep into the soil. The bricks are made of soil from the gigantic ant mounds that grace the landscape. It is said that the secretions from the ants that live in these mounds make the soil have a cement like quality when mixed with water. We have started the first stage of the orphanage. The foundations will be done by June hopefully. The men are happy to have work. The rainy season ended in March and crops are done. The work will allow them to continue to support their families.
Our foundation for this work is found in the Redemption of our God, The Author and Finisher of our Faith. We rest on the strength of His love for these people and the bricks of all who will join in and help with this work. Please pray for our friends as they strive to go upward with their dreams and visions of helping their own people. Consider supporting our friends to help them with this dream.