Malawi Recap for 10-13-19
This is our first Sunday in Malawi this year so we started rather early with scrambled eggs and ham and some toast to get us started. Paul and Steve left to pick up Lester and visited 3 churches today, preaching in one. From their report they had an awesome day and was pleased to see at least one soul saved and many come for prayer. Steve mentioned the poverty of some of our churches where they are having difficulty just making ends meet. The need is so great but we can only help those we can help.
That same problem is seen in the orphanage where our kids seem to have so much more than the village kids around the orphanage. We want to do so much more for so many more but we can only do what we can do. Everywhere we go and almost everyone we speak to are asking for help of some kind but we are trying to teach them how to get out of the cycle in which they find themselves, a few at a time.
Don and Doris, David and Shirley attended the orphanage service today where our kids and some of the neighboring village kids came. We thoroughly enjoyed the service. The singing of these kids was amazing and their enthusiasm while they sang was a joy to see. My dear wife got the “dance in the Spirit” with the kids today – that was a sight to behold. Their local pastor asked one of us to preach but we said we would love to hear the local pastor preach because we hear ourselves all the time. It was a good service and we were truly blessed to be there.
One of our little girls, on the way back from the service, stepped on something that made a big cut under her big toe so Don and Doris treated her the best they could. It is kind of sad that these children can get so many cuts and even get sick and basically must live with these injuries until they are able to be taken to a clinic somewhere. It will be awesome when we will have this open completely on site.
After leaving the orphanage we stopped by the market at Msundwe so Shirley could experience the true Malawian market place. It did not take long for her to decide she had enough so we headed back toward Lilongwe, stopping by the store to pick up some peanut butter and bread so the ladies will take some PB&J sandwiches for the kids tomorrow. We have been buying them fruit every day and today they were given bananas.
We went to the carvers for a little while to visit David’s carver friend, Michael and to pick up some plaques they had made for Don and Steve. The carvers were not as numerous as in the years past but there were enough for Shirley and Doris to say they were ready to leave after an hour or so. We had a soda across the street with two of the carvers, Michael and Chicken Legs, before we left.
A great meal of spaghetti for supper, a short discussion about the busy up and coming week and then retiring to rest for this week. This will be a very important week as we deal with some major changes in the operation of the orphanage – please be praying.
Help us to have an understanding and wise heart as we make decisions this coming week. (1 Kings 3:9).
May God bless you all and continue to pray for us while we are gone.
Your Team in Malawi