I believe that God is blessed when he sees people on this earth embracing the art of helping each other. Like a parent that is thrilled when his children get along and love each other. There are so many wells not functioning in this district. May God bless Clean Water for Malawi for coming forward and offering their hand of ministry to these villages. They are personally taking it on themselves to raise the needed support for this great repair bill.
Don and Dan have the opportunity to observe first hand and learn the intricacies of borehole repair. It is an honor to tag along so to speak and learn from the masters and also spend time with the people and their chief from each village. The guys are really excited about this opportunity.
Who knows what great blessings the Lord will provide for the Malawians and those repairing and providing cups…no buckets…of water in His name.
Thank you Mr. Victor Smith, Bill Manduka, and the Clean Water for Malawi well team working in the villages!